CIHR Institute of Aging – Engaging on Aging Tour

CIHR-IA Engaging on Aging Tour Share your Views: Participate in the CIHR Institute of Aging Engaging on Aging Tour The Canadian Institutes of Health Research - Institute of Aging invites you to join our […]

INCREASE BC Conference 2023

The theme of the Inaugural INCREASE BC conference is “revolutionizing rehabilitation through collaboration.” INCREASE BC is a collaborative initiative between the UBC Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Rehab Research […]

UBC Orthopaedic Update & BCOA Annual Meeting

The UBC Department of Orthopaedics and BC Orthopaedic Association (BCOA) are hosting the annual Orthopaedic Update, a two-day conference for orthopaedic surgeons across British Columbia to stay informed of current […]

VCHRI Celebrating 20 Years of Research Excellence

Paetzold Auditorium, Vancouver General Hospital, 899 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver Intended Audience All members of VCH and UBC research community (investigators, clinicians, trainees, research and administrative staff) 2023 marks the […]

UBC Vancouver Summer Program – Package Q

Package Q Injury Biomechanics and Collaborative Design (MED Q JULY) Understanding Injuries through Biomechanics Explore the life cycle of an injury: identifying factors that increase risk of injury; investigating how […]