The Rehabilitation Research Program (RRP) is one of Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institutes three programs. In partnership with VCHRI, the University of British Columbia, and G.F. Strong Rehabilitation Centre, the RRP aims to discover innovative solutions to optimize the outcomes of rehabilitation and improve the lives of those with disabilities and their families.
The knowledge generated through the Rehabilitation Research Program is an essential component of Vancouver Coastal Health’s mandate to advance knowledge and practices that help people to maximize their abilities after injury or disability.
The Rehabilitation Research Program has 5400 square feet of research space (offices, meeting rooms, open spaces). Most importantly, the Program is situated within the GF Strong Rehab Centre, BC’s largest rehabilitation centre, and enables researchers and trainees to develop partnerships with patients and clinicians relevant to their research. The main lab space is equipped with a variety of research equipment, including a metabolic cart, ECG system, 3D motion analysis system, force plates, electromyography system and physical activity monitors.

G.F. Strong Rehab Centre
4255 Laurel Street
Vancouver, BC V5Z 2G9